Narrative Du Jour

John Schulte
2 min readAug 19, 2017
A Total Eclipse of the Heart

In the first season of Surreality News, a multi-network scripted program that runs 24/7, the Red Menace conspires with the Neo-Nazis in a surreptitious coup d’état of the United States — an imbroglio that seemingly cannot be undone, nor even verified (only vilified) by the Deep State. How utterly mysterious and chilling!

In the second season of Surreality News, the B team of writers craft a nifty narrative that virtually abandons the Red Menace storyline which was so firmly established in the first season. Focus turns to the Neo-Nazis, who are curiously supported by the anti-Nazis at the ACLU. When a riot ensues between Nazis, white supremacists, anti-Nazis, anti-white supremacists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and White Lives Matter, the convoluted conflagration leads to a national rally to remove Civil War Confederate statues built following the Lost Cause. In the heat of the moment, the Atlanta Peace Memorial is mistakenly defaced and vandalized by Antifa, because haste makes waste. To add to the melee and confusion, the Neo-Nazis wrap themselves in the cloak of being purveyors of preserving history, hence their name.

One writer in the writers’ room asks the question: “Why now? Why weren’t these statues razed when the United States was presided over by the first African-American president and two years of his party having a majority in Congress?”

The answer comes from the executive producers: “Because we now have a racist in the White House.” Okay!

What’s in store for the third season? An all out Culture War? Another coup? A re-litigation of the Civil War? The crystal ball of ratings may call for something a tad more intense, like a thermo-nuclear war. Word has it that the third season premiere episode of Surreality News (“Going, Going, Guam”) has already been written. But wait — not so fast! Will a government shutdown serve as a cancellation notice from the networks?

Tune in tomorrow! Same batty time, same batty channels. Meanwhile, stand by for a total eclipse of the heart.

